Cowboy Radio Show
This newspaper clipping has been provided by Bill Acheson and describes the popularity of the live daily live program.
Newspaper story...
"In the little shirt my mother made for me!" yodels Radio Station CKSO's popular artist, Cowboy Herb Pauls, into the microphone, as Radio Announcer Bill Acheson, totin' Pauls six-shooters, threatens to shoot the cowboy "daid." Broadcaasting his popular nightly "old-time" songs feature over CKSO on Wednesday night, in a program from the window of Cocharane-Dunlop Hardware, at Cedar and Durham streets, Cowboy Pauls drew so large an audience that a traffic tie-up resulted. The special quarter-hour program featuring Pauls and his guitar, is a daily program. The broadcast is from 7:45 to 8 o'clock each week night, and at 5:45 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Reaching a large air audience, Pauls draws a daily flood of fan mail and request songs.